Shostack + Friends Blog


Posts in category "security"

Ransomware is Not the Problem

Arbitrarily powerful software -- applications, operating systems -- is a problem, as is preventing it from running on enterprise systems.


Pacific Northwest Appsec Conference

AppSec Pacific Northwest Conference is a free application security conference that will be held Saturday, June 19th. It is a virtual, online event sponsored by the OWASP chapters of Portland, Vancouver, and Victoria.


Podcast on Using Games

It would be trite writing to say it was fun to be on a podcast with Volko Ruhnke and Hadas Cassorla to talk about using games to teach. And while it was, it was really educational and inspirational. I learned from both of them, and I hope you enjoy the podcast as well!


Passwords Advice

Bruse Marshall has put together a useful comparison of password requirements from OWASP ASVS v3 and v4.


Open for Business

Recently, I was talking to a friend who wasn't aware that I'm consulting, and so I wanted to share a bit about my new life, consulting!