Shostack + Friends Blog


Posts in category "books"

People fighting at the top of the world

No guns please

Art imitating life in ways you didn’t think possible

a big pile of books

Worthwhile Books Q2 2023

Books that I read in the second quater that are worth your time include two memoirs, a great book on the security of ML, and more!

a big pile of books

Worthwhile Books Q4 2022

Books that I read in the fourth quater that are worth your time include several about safety with lessons for cybersecurity

photo of the DigitalGuru Books Team

Digital Guru Books

Rupin Gupta runs Digital Guru books. He's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, a real joy to work with, and he works hard to put books on shelves so that you can discover them. With the conference business changing, Digital Guru needs some help.

cover of Bounce by Matthew Syed

Bounce and Range

I want to talk about two books: Bounce, by Matthew Syed and Range, by David Epstein. I want to talk about them together in part because Range is explicitly framed as a response to Bounce.

an open book with a pen and journal

Worthwhile Books (Q1 2020)

These are the books I read in the first quarter (and forgot to mention last quarter) that I think are worth your time.


Worthwhile Books, Q3

Some of what I've read over the past quarter and want to recommend as worthy of your time.


Worthwhile Books: Q2 2017

I'm always looking for interesting books to read. These are the books that I enjoyed enough to recommend in Q2.