What do you get the person who has everything?
The best gift for 2023
The best gift for 2023
Pointer to Adam’s latest Darkreading article
Usable security matters
Books that I read in the fourth quater that are worth your time include several about safety with lessons for cybersecurity
Interesting space news, including ISS and 3d printed engines
Legal commentary on the Second Death Star Project
Threat Modeling for UX Designers with Adam Shostack on Heidi Trost's podcast
The OpenAI chatbot is shockingly improved — its capabilities deserve attention.
Text captured from GPT-3
Threats is almost in bookstores
Adam on CSM podcast
Interesting reads this month include signals from the administration, a history of appsec by one of the originals, and a longread from Apple about kernel memory design.
People learning together
A Miro template for Elevation of Privilege
Oh my gosh, the boot camps are back!