Shostack + Friends Blog

The last 747 rolls out.

The Last 747

Thoughts on the last 747, and engineering culture.

The Gavle Goat on Christmas, 2022

Gavle Goat

A straw goat that has not been burned.

a big pile of books

Worthwhile Books Q4 2022

Books that I read in the fourth quater that are worth your time include several about safety with lessons for cybersecurity

6 - count em! spacecraft docked with the international space station

Space News

Interesting space news, including ISS and 3d printed engines

Text from GPT3, claiming that terminators cannot take over the world in the same way that real machines or robots could.


The OpenAI chatbot is shockingly improved — its capabilities deserve attention.

Text from GPT3, claiming that terminators cannot take over the world in the same way that real machines or robots could.


Text captured from GPT-3