Shostack + Friends Blog

Cover of a workshop report: learning from cyber incidents

Learning Lessons from Aviation

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We can do better, and a major new report explains how.

screenshot from video: breaking into threat modeling

25 Years of Appsec - Appsec Global

Adam is delivering the opening keynote for OWASP Global Appsec 2021 with a 25 year restrospective on the history of appsec and a look into its future.


What can go wrong?

The World's Shortest Threat Modeling Video series continues with .. what can go wrong?

An exhausted young man

Training discounts!

Are you tired of escalations and fights after pen tests find crucial security issues at the last minute? I have a discount code for upcoming threat modeling training that can help!

An exhausted young man

Training - October

Are you tired of escalations and fights after pen tests find crucial security issues at the last minute? I have upcoming threat modeling training that can help!