Shostack + Friends Blog


Passwords Advice

Bruse Marshall has put together a useful comparison of password requirements from OWASP ASVS v3 and v4.

celebrate emancipation

Happy Juneteenth!

Juneteenth is the celebration of the end of slavery in the US. We should have more holidays that celebrate freedom for the sake of freedom.

header: The Economic Value of DNS Security

DNS Security

I'm happy to say that some new research by Jay Jacobs, Wade Baker, and myself is now available, thanks to the Global Cyber Alliance.

testing building blocks of threat modeling

Testing Building Blocks

There are a couple of new, short (4-page), interesting papers from a team at KU Leuven discussin the building blocks of threat modeling.

The art of Rise of the Skywalker, written by Phil Szostak

Episode 9 Spoilers

Today is the last Star Wars Day before Episode 9 comes out, and brings the Skywalker saga to its end.

orbit of Hayabusa2 in relation to Sun and Earth


Congratulations to the Hayabusa2 mission team, who flew to an asteroid, dropped multiple rovers, an impactor and a separate camera satellite to observe the impactor. The Hayabusa2 then flew around, to the far side of the asteroid to avoid ejecta from the impactor. In a few weeks, Hayabusa2 will probably land, collect more samples and then fly back to Earth.