Answering 'What Are We Working On' When Remote
How do we replace the in-person whiteboard sessions essential to Threat Modeling when we are distanced and working remotely?
How do we replace the in-person whiteboard sessions essential to Threat Modeling when we are distanced and working remotely?
Pandemic Safety in Star Wars
New training being developed, seeking interest.
I know many readers are here for the threat modeling, and I could claim that this is the “what are we going to do about it” post, which it is, but I don't want to have to blog all threat modeling all the time. So this is the “Seattle is a month into COVID-19” post.
This post comes from a conversation I had on Linkedin with Clint Gibler.
While I can't fix things, I can at least make my LinkedIn courses free for a time.
Exploring supply chain threat modeling with Alexa
At Blackhat this summer, I'll be offering threat modeling training at Blackhat. Last year, these sold out quickly, so don't wait!
Risk Framework and Machine Learning
As a member of the BlackHat Review Board, I would love to see more work on Human Factors presented there.
My course, “Repudiation in Depth” is now live on Linkedin Learning. This is the fourth course in my Learning Threat Modeling series.
For reasons I can't quite talk about yet, this has been a super busy time, and I look forward to sharing the exciting developments that have kept me occupied.
Have you considered the idea that “Files are Fraught With Peril” lately? Maybe you should...
A couple big stories in the realm of cryptography that got me excited.
A new game to teach networking and security concepts.