Shostack + Friends Blog

adult male teaching young child to fish at the beach

Better Taught Than Caught!

Informal training may work in some cases, but Threat Modeling skills should be passed on through more formal means.

MDIC Panel - Cybersecurity: Strides Toward Maturity Benchmarking for the MedTech Sector; Thursday, Aug 13, 2020, 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern

MDIC Annual Public Forum

I'll be speaking at the MDIC's Annual Public Forum today, discussing how threat modeling helps bring maturity to the medtech sector.


Video Series

Not usually one for the video format, I'm expanding my horizons thanks to 2020 being what it is.

Screenshot of Amicus Brief discussed in article

Amicus Brief on CFAA

I recently signed onto the amicus brief on the Van Buren/Computer Fraud and Abuse Act filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Information Risk Insights Study 20/20 plot

The Cyentia Library Relaunches

I'm excited to see that they're Re-introducing the Cyentia Research Library, with cool (new?) features like an RSS feed. There are over 1,000 corporate research reports with data that companies paid to collect, massage, and release in a way they felt would be helpful to the rest of the world.

Reenactment of black civil war soldiers

Happy Juneteenth!

Juneteenth is the celebration of the end of slavery in the US. We need more holidays that celebrate freedom. Freedom isn't always comfortable or easy, but it is the precondition to the pursuit of happiness.

cover of white paper: The Jenga View of Threat Modeling

The Jenga View of Threat Modeling

I'm happy to announce Shostack + Associate's new, first, corporate white paper! It uses Jenga to explain why threat modeling efforts fail so often.