Application and AI roundup - November
A threat modeling conference, lots of government appsec guidance, and some updates from Shostack + Associates
A threat modeling conference, lots of government appsec guidance, and some updates from Shostack + Associates
Books that I read in the second quater that are worth your time include two memoirs, a great book on the security of ML, and more!
Celebrating Star Wars Day in style!
Book signings at RSA, big discounts and more!
Reflecting on the framing of the Threats book
A few tools, some thoughts on injection, some standards, and some of Adam’s appsec news.
Searching my feelings as the audiobook of Threats is released.
The threats book is in the supply chain, inconsistently.
The live launch party for Threats!
The serious side of the book
Like the Force, each threat has a light side, and a dark side.
Threats is almost in bookstores
The books I read in the third quarter of 2022 that are worth your time.
So excited to share the cover with you
Exciting news from Adam Shostack on Star Wars Day 2022