Shostack + Friends Blog


Posts in category "education"

An exhausted young man

Training discounts!

Are you tired of escalations and fights after pen tests find crucial security issues at the last minute? I have a discount code for upcoming threat modeling training that can help!

An exhausted young man

Training - October

Are you tired of escalations and fights after pen tests find crucial security issues at the last minute? I have upcoming threat modeling training that can help!


Recording Lectures

People sometimes ask me about my recording setup, and I wanted to share some thoughts about recording good learning content.

adult male teaching young child to fish at the beach

Better Taught Than Caught!

Informal training may work in some cases, but Threat Modeling skills should be passed on through more formal means.

Pivots and Payloads pentest poster

Pivots and Payloads

A new game from SANS for understanding pen test methodology, tactics, and tools.