Shostack + Friends Blog

quote from article cited in the post

The COVID testbed and AI

The pandemic gives us a chance to evaluate AI'll be shocked to discover how they did.

screenshot from NIST website referencing Executive Order 14028

Threat Model Thursday: NIST’s Code Verification Standard

Earlier this week, NIST released a Recommended Minimum Standard for Vendor or Developer Verification of Code. I want to talk about the technical standard overall, the threat modeling component, and the what the standard means now and in the future.

5G architecture map

Threat Model Thursday: 5G Infrastructure

The US Government's lead cybersecurity agencies have released an interesting report, and I wanted to use this for a Threat Model Thursday, where we take a respectful look at threat modeling work products to see what we can learn.


Ransomware is Not the Problem

Arbitrarily powerful software -- applications, operating systems -- is a problem, as is preventing it from running on enterprise systems.


Van Buren

The Supreme Court has ruled in the van Buren case, and there's a good summary on the Eff's blog.