Google Health Symposium
Slides from Adam's talk at the Symposium
Slides from Adam's talk at the Symposium
Adam's AppSecPNW 2023 keynote
My opening keynote from Appsec Global 2021
An important webinar by MDIC about the medical device threat modeling playbook is now available!
Adam is delivering the opening keynote for OWASP Global Appsec 2021 with a 25 year restrospective on the history of appsec and a look into its future.
At Blackhat USA, I'll be teaching Applied Threat Modeling.
People sometimes ask me about my recording setup, and I wanted to share some thoughts about recording good learning content.
Threat model Thursday is not just back, but live again!
The video of my Distinguished Lecture at Ruhr University Bochum is now online, and I've got reference to share as well.
As I built out my home studio to record videos for my distributed classes, I was lucky enough to be able to find an in-stock HDMI capture card, but those are harder and harder to find. As it turns out, you may be able to avoid the need for that with a mix of apps.
For reasons I can't quite talk about yet, this has been a super busy time, and I look forward to sharing the exciting developments that have kept me occupied.
Check out my talk from Blackhat 2018
The slides from my Blackhat talk are now available.
Near misses are an important source of information for avoiding accidents, and it's a shame we don't use them in cybersecurity.