Shostack + Friends Blog


Posts in category "application security"

a photograph of a robot, sitting in a library, working on a jigsaw puzzle

Appsec Roundup - Jan 2025

An exciting month, with new threat modeling tools, cool thoughts on STAMP, bounds checking, ADRs and more!

an AI reading a book

Application and AI roundup - May

This month runs quite heavy on AI, but the CISA Safe by Design and Default document is going to be important for the next several years.

A set of cards with threats like our deployment artifacts contain secrets that can be extracted


Cumulus is a cloud-oriented version of Elevation of Privilege

screenshot from video: breaking into threat modeling

25 Years of Appsec - Appsec Global

Adam is delivering the opening keynote for OWASP Global Appsec 2021 with a 25 year restrospective on the history of appsec and a look into its future.


Pacific Northwest Appsec Conference

AppSec Pacific Northwest Conference is a free application security conference that will be held Saturday, June 19th. It is a virtual, online event sponsored by the OWASP chapters of Portland, Vancouver, and Victoria.