Threat Modeling Thursday: 2018
[no description provided]
Since I wrote my book on the topic, people have been asking me "what's new in threat modeling?" My Blackhat talk is my answer to that question, and it's been taking up the time that I'd otherwise be devoting to the series.
As I've been practicing my talk*, I discovered that there's more new than I thought, and I may not be able to fit in everything I want to talk about in 50 minutes. But it's coming together nicely.
The current core outline is:
- What are we working on
- The fast moving world of cyber
- The agile world
- Models are scary
- What can go wrong? Threats evolve!
- Machine Learning
- Conflict
And of course, because it's 2018, there's cat videos and emoji to augment logic. Yeah, that's the word. Augment. 🤷‍♂️
Wednesday, August 8 at 2:40 PM.
* Oh, and note to anyone speaking anywhere, and especially large events like Blackhat — as the speaker resources say: practice, practice, practice.