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Posts in category "research papers"

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'Best Practices for IoT Security'

There's an interesting new draft, Best Practices for IoT Security: What Does That Even Mean? by Christopher Bellman and Paul C. van Oorschot.


SDL Article in CACM

Most of my time, I'm helping organizations develop the skills and discipline to build security in. We give the best advice available, and I recognize that we're early in developing the science around how to build an SDL that works.

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Valuing CyberSecurity Research Datasets

A paper at the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security titled “Valuing CyberSecurity Research Datasets” focuses on the value of the IMPACT data sharing platform at DHS, and how the availability of data shapes research.

Whitepaper cover: Measuring the Impact of DMARC's Part in Preventing Business Email Compromise

Measuring ROI for DMARC

I'm pleased to be able to share work that Shostack + Associates and the Cyentia Institute have been doing for the Global Cyber Alliance.