Worthwhile Books Q1 2022
These are the books that I read in the second half of 2021 that I think are worth your time.
I realize it's been a little while since I did this, but I wanted to pick up my now and then mention of books that I read in Q4 2021 that I think are worth your time.
- A Vulnerable System by Andrew Stewart. My review.
- Designing Secure Software by Loren Kohnfelder. I was honored to write the foreword.
- Ethics and Data Science by Mike Loukides, Hilary Mason and DJ Patil is a very solid, short primer. Technically not cybersecurity, but there's a lot of overlap.
- Resilience Engineering by David Woods and Erik Hollnagel. We were honored to have Dr. Woods present at our Learning from Cyber Incidents workshop.
- How Emotions are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett. Quite fascinating. Argues that our bodies and minds react, and we learn to label those reactions with emotions. Very down to earth writing, grounded in lots of science.
- Teaching Effectively with Zoom by Dan Levy. One of several books with very similar titles and perhaps rushed out at the start of the pandemic, but this one is by a Harvard faculty member who has thought deeply about effective teaching, and has written an incredibly useful short text for those who are being forced to teach in an unfamiliar way. He covers things like "use this Zoom function", but along the way he also sneaks in a masterclass on how to teach.
- Flying Blind by Peter Robison, and apparently the only non-fiction in this roundup written by a journalist, and one who's been convering Boeing for 25 years or so, and has a strong perspective on the changes the company underwent, and how they lead to the 777 battery issues and the MAX tragedies.
- The Fated Sky by Mary Robinette Kowal continues her Lady Astronaut series.
Photo by Debby Hudson.