Scaling Threat Modeling Training
For the last few years, I've been delivering in-person threat modeling training. I've trained groups ranging from 2 to 100 people at a time, and I've done classes as short as a few hours and as long as a week.
For the last few years, I've been delivering in-person threat modeling training. I've trained groups ranging from 2 to 100 people at a time, and I've done classes as short as a few hours and as long as a week.
Happy Holidays!
Discussing the value of Security Advisory Boards
A new game from SANS for understanding pen test methodology, tactics, and tools.
The Threat Modeling Book has been featured on a list of resources by Digital Guardian.
The House Oversight Committee has released a scathing report on Equifax...
J.E. Gordon’s Structures, or Why Things Don’t Fall Down is a fascinating and accessible book. Why don’t things fall down? It turns out this is a simple question with some very deep answers.
The Gavle Goat is up.
Some books worth reading.
Check out my talk from Blackhat 2018
Some recent changes in the weather...
Airplanes are filthy...
Another podcast, another chance to talk about Threat Modeling
An extended version of Elevation of Privilege, now with Privacy.
I'm pleased to be able to share work that Shostack + Associates and the Cyentia Institute have been doing for the Global Cyber Alliance.