Shostack + Friends Blog


Inside Man

Some thoughts on the Voyager Episode ‘Inside Man’ Two Reg Barclays

I’ve been doing a watch through of Voyager, and while generally, it’s just nice to see smart competent people trying to do their jobs, I did want to rant about the Season 7 Episode Inside Man. In it, Voyager gets a hologram of Reg Barclay which has been modified by Ferengi.

So, for this to work, the Ferengi have to be able to read and modify messages flowing back and forth. Also, Voyager’s diagnostics don’t find a rootkit or malicious added modules. That seems entirely reasonable. I’m sure the Ferengi have a copy of the diagnostic toolset and used it to test their holo Reg.

Anyway: I don’t know how to say this politely: WTAF? In the 24th century, Starfleet is sending messages that not only have no encryption, but not even some authentication? How can they send a hologram full of advanced technology research in plaintext? Beyond that, how do the Ferengi even manage to send messages through the deep space network? Shouldn’t those messages be checked for authentication before they’re relayed across the galaxy?

Do they even threat model?!

This is spoofing (or maybe expansion of authority), tampering and information disclosure all at once! This is not smart competent people designing communication or holographic technology!

Starfleet, call me. I can help!