First Workshop on Cyber Public Health
The first workshop on cyber public health was so exciting. Check out the report!
We’re all thrilled that the final report for the first Workshop on Cyber Public Health is available, and I strongly encourage you to read it.
The report serves as a record of what we did and said, and also serves as a guidepost for future work. It contains both explicit questions (ones we thought of) and implicit ones that readers will doubtless discover.
Why is it so important? After all, we’ve had talk of computer viruses for 40 years, and talk of cyber hygiene is common. What makes this report important is not a new metaphor, but new depth for that metaphor.
A theme of my career is to fill in the details that allow us to make things real. We did this with the idea of “an NTSB for Cyber.” We did a workshop, wrote up a long report, and helped make the idea a reality in the CSRB. The pattern can be similar for cyber public health. By digging into what it might mean and entail, we can go further than just a metaphor.
And so.. I encourage you to read the report and sign up for our mailing list to be a part of it!