Shostack + Friends Blog


Introducing the DEF CON 32 Hackers' Almanack

Grateful to introduce the Hackers' Almanack! Introduction to DEF CON 32 Hackers' Almanack

I wrote the introduction for The DEF CON 32 Hackers’ Almanack!

Every year, thousands of hackers converge in Las Vegas for a joyous, crazy exploration of the edges of technology… otherwise fondly called “Hacker Summer Camp.” They include many communities with different perspectives, all with a core commitment to hacking and exploration.

The folks who come to Hacker Summer Camp have diverse interests, and we love showing it. From digital Capture the Flag to building the machine that will chill beer beverages fastest to who can discover the most passwords that might have been leaked in a data breach, many communities’ interests come together in villages.

But at the end of the day, us hackers speak with a degree of forthrightness that’s rare in Washington, D.C. We’re hackers. We ask for demonstrable facts and will try to break your shit if you claim “it’s secure.”

I’m proud to be a member of this community and grateful to present The DEF CON 32 Hackers’ Almanack.

The Hackers’ Almanack compiles the most interesting, impactful, and innovative research and vulnerabilities identified at DEF CON – typically presented in extraordinary fashion. Read the full Almanack here and just remember, DEF CON 32 was cancelled 😉