Shostack + Friends Blog


Posts in category "reports and data"


IoT Security & Threat Modeling

Expanding on the UK Government's ‘The Uk Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security’ and how it aligns with Threat Modeling.

Information Risk Insights Study 20/20 plot

The Cyentia Library Relaunches

I'm excited to see that they're Re-introducing the Cyentia Research Library, with cool (new?) features like an RSS feed. There are over 1,000 corporate research reports with data that companies paid to collect, massage, and release in a way they felt would be helpful to the rest of the world.

Survey results.

Sonatype Report on DevSecOps

The Sonatype 2020 DevSecOps Community Survey is a really interesting report. Most interesting to me is the importance of effective communication, with both tools and human communication in developer happiness.


SDL Article in CACM

Most of my time, I'm helping organizations develop the skills and discipline to build security in. We give the best advice available, and I recognize that we're early in developing the science around how to build an SDL that works.

screenshot of article mentioned in this post

Valuing CyberSecurity Research Datasets

A paper at the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security titled “Valuing CyberSecurity Research Datasets” focuses on the value of the IMPACT data sharing platform at DHS, and how the availability of data shapes research.

header: The Economic Value of DNS Security

DNS Security

I'm happy to say that some new research by Jay Jacobs, Wade Baker, and myself is now available, thanks to the Global Cyber Alliance.

Whitepaper cover: Measuring the Impact of DMARC's Part in Preventing Business Email Compromise

Measuring ROI for DMARC

I'm pleased to be able to share work that Shostack + Associates and the Cyentia Institute have been doing for the Global Cyber Alliance.


Modeling Attackers and Their Motives

There are a number of reports out recently, breathlessly presenting their analysis of one threatening group of baddies or another. Most readers should, at most, skim their analysis of the perpetrators. Read on for why.