Books Worth Reading: Q2 2019 (Apollo Edition)
Some books worth reading, particularly related to space and history
- A Man on the Moon, Andrew Chaikin is probably the best of the general histories of the moon landings.
- Failure is not an Option, by Gene Kranz, who didn't actually say that during Apollo 13.
- Marketing The Moon by David Scott and Richard Jurek. I was surprised what a good history this was, and how much it brought in the overall history of the program and put it in context.
- Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, as mentioned previously.
- Full Moon. Gorgeous photography, printed from very high quality scans; the author convinced NASA to provide access to first generation negatives. You may need to search on Amazon to find a reasonably priced copy.
Also worthwhile: From the Earth to The Moon (DVD, Blue Ray), and the Museum of Flight Apollo exhibit, in Seattle through September 2nd.