Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Sitting on the Fence

Last week Dan Gillmor talked about Verisign’s monopoly wishes [link to no longer works], stating:

This deal would be great for VeriSign, but terrible for the marketplace. It would consolidate one company’s control over an essential part of the Internet infrastructure.

Is the sky falling? I don’t think so. This sounds a whole lot like before GeoTrust was launched. GeoTrust earned market share by providing a less expensive, faster, easier to use solution. This demand will hasn’t magically gone away. I’m fully confident that someone else will come along and fill this hole.
[Fence photo from SeenyaRita via Flickr.]

2 comments on "Sitting on the Fence"

  • wrc says:

    Unfortunately, browsers have a limited number of CA keys that they trust. Once Verisign “collects them all” (rather, collects those held by private concerns who can sell their signing key), the GeoTrust plan for success can’t be repeated.

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