Help Launch Threat Modeling


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How to help with the launch

Thank you for asking how to help with my book launch. After years of working on this book, I'm finally ready to spread the word about it, and would love your help on Monday, February 10th. Whatever you'd like to do is great. If you're looking for ideas, this page offers some, along with words you can use or adapt, the one best link, the cover, and more.


Anyone can learn to threat model, and what's more, everyone should. Threat modeling is an essential skill for those creating technology of all sorts, and until now, it's been too hard to learn. Threat Modeling: Designing for Security makes threat modeling accessible to developers, systems architects or operators, and helps security professionals make sense of the advice they've gotten over the years.

Finding security bugs after your code has shipped stinks, and so does finding them as you're getting ready to ship. You want to find them early, but until now, threat modeling has been too scary, too process heavy, too hard to connect to the rest of how you ship, or just didn't give you enough bang for the buck. That changes now.

How to help on Monday, February 10th:

Sample text for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or email

If you're unsure what to say, you can use any of these, or use them as a starting point:

Best single link to use:

Book cover

If you'd like to use the book cover in a blog post, here's links to the small (159x200) medium (406x512) or large (1474x1857) version of the cover.

Want me to remind you?


Thank you for considering helping me launch the book.

Also, thanks to Scott Berkun for his inspirational "how to help" webpage for his "Year without Pants" book