Help Launch “Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars”
How to help with the launch
Thank you for asking how to help with my book launch.
After years of working on this book, I'm excited that it's going to be available on February 7, 2023, and would love help getting the word out. Whatever you'd like to do is great. I'd love it if you can help get the news out, by sharing on a blog, at work, on social media, or if you have a platform like a podcast, have me on.
Why This Book?
Threats is about what every engineer needs to know (like it says on the cover). Security has become a fundamental requirement for new systems, but that doesn't mean it's easy to grapple with. This book is engineered to provide readers with a broad set of fundamental knowledge in a fun and engaging way.
Security matters in 2023, and it's often confusing and overwhelming. Many people start teaching from threats like SQL injection or cross site scripting, or showing you assembly code. In contrast, Threats starts with the question: How does R2-D2 decide to show the hologram to Ben Kenobi but not Luke Skywalker? The answer is authentication, which is how we address the threat of spoofing. You'll learn how computers authenticate people, and how people authenticate computers, and the specific threats to each. By starting with the broad ideas, the book teaches a framework that will serve engineers through their career.
These threats apply to all technological systems, and center on the computerized ones — the hardware and software. Civil engineers, mechanical engineers and others may yearn for the more elegant systems from a less computerized time, but even their systems are increasingly computerized and connected.
How to help on February 7th:
- Set a schedule reminder for one or more of the following (Calendar appointment)
- Buy the book for yourself from Amazon (affiliate link), Wiley, or my local technical bookstore, Ada's Technical books.
- Buy copies for your engineering team.
- Email your coworkers, professional friends or those would would benefit from more security, letting them know about the book and (ideally) why you think it's important to them.
- Spread the word on Mastodon, Twitter, Linkedin, Insta, Tiktok, Facebook, or IRC.
- Invite Adam to your podcast or webinar.
Sample text for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or email
If you’re unsure what to say, you can use any of these, or use them as a starting point:
- If you enjoyed the Elevation of Privilege card game, the creator just released a book
- Get it today: Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars -- looks like an important book!
- Threat modeling isn't just for security mavens anymore: eveyone in tech should read
- I’m excited to see Adam Shostack has a new book out
Best single link to use to promote the book
Book cover
If different sizes are helpful, here's the medium (388x600) or large (792x1224) version of the cover.
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Thank you for considering helping me launch the book.
Also, thanks to Scott Berkun for his inspirational “how to help” webpage for his “Year without Pants” book.