Threat Modeling Gameplay with Eop
You should get the Threat Modeling Gameplay book, now available!
You should get the Threat Modeling Gameplay book, now available!
Your Turn! by Scott Rogers, is a must read for aspiring game designers.
Red Teaming by Bryce Hoffman is a thought-provoking read.
Books that I read in the second quater that are worth your time include two memoirs, a great book on the security of ML, and more!
Books that I read in the fourth quater that are worth your time include several about safety with lessons for cybersecurity
The books I read in the third quarter of 2022 that are worth your time.
These are the books that I read in the second quarter, 2022 that are worth your time.
These are the books that I read in the second half of 2021 that I think are worth your time.
Andrew Stewart has an excellent new book, A Vulnerable System.
Adam Shostack's review of the book Practical Cybersecurity Architecture
A resource for those developing games.
J.E. Gordon’s Structures, or Why Things Don’t Fall Down is a fascinating and accessible book. Why don’t things fall down? It turns out this is a simple question with some very deep answers.