Burning News: Gavle Goat

USA Today informs us that:
Despite surveillance cameras and heavy security, vandals in a small Swedish town have burned down a giant Yuletide straw goat for the 24th time since 1966, the Associated Press reports [link to http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jmAMWX81LKCF305TAQ64r_TLenRAD9CP52KG2 no longer works].
Here at Emergent Chaos, we’re deeply concerned that the goat ended up with neither privacy nor even temporary safety.
Photo: AP Photo/Pernilla Wahlman
Obviously burning down the goat is now a local tradition. And a very tempting target for the vandals to test themselves in evading security. One must wonder what kind of security fails 24 times. Probably a type that doesn’t deserve the word “security.”
72% of goat-burnings are due to insiders. I know where I’d be looking.
Vulnerability induced by bad/outdated threat modeling
“In the last couple of years, the goat has not been treated with flame retardant because it previously discoloured the straw creature and detracted from its grand stature. ”
Actually, I’d argue that’s excellent threat modeling: Gavle is on the map for its burning goat.