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What should the new czar do? (Tanji's Security Survey)

Over at Haft of the Spear, Michael Tanji asks [link to no longer works] :

You are the nation’s new cyber czar/shogun/guru. You know you can’t _force _anyone to do jack, therefore you spend your time/energy trying to accomplish what three things via influence, persuasion, shame and force of will?

I think it’s a fascinating question, and posted my answer over at the New School blog.

4 comments on "What should the new czar do? (Tanji's Security Survey)"

  • Gunnar says:

    Don’t need to force, you can influence. Education is one way, so:
    Step 1. Gather however big a budget you can
    Step 2. Spend all of your budget on free security training resources – classes, eLearning, and so on.
    Yes. I am serious.
    Read Garigue’s thoughts on Charlemagne
    “King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814) – reunited much of Europe after the Dark Ages.
    He set up other schools, opening them to peasant boys as well as nobles. Charlemagne never stopped studying. He brought an English monk, Alcuin, and other scholars to his court – encouraging the development of a standard script.
    He set up money standards to encourage commerce, tried to build a Rhine-Danube canal, and urged better farming methods. He especially worked to spread education and Christianity in every class of people.
    He relied on Counts, Margraves and Missi Domini to help him.
    Margraves – Guard the frontier districts of the empire. Margraves retained, within their own jurisdictions, the authority of dukes in the feudal arm of the empire.
    Missi Domini – Messengers of the King.”

  • Gunnar says:

    Don’t need to force, you can influence. Education is one way, so:
    Step 1. Gather however big a budget you can
    Step 2. Spend all of your budget on free security training resources – classes, eLearning, and so on.
    Yes. I am serious.
    Read Garigue’s thoughts on Charlemagne
    “King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814) – reunited much of Europe after the Dark Ages.
    He set up other schools, opening them to peasant boys as well as nobles. Charlemagne never stopped studying. He brought an English monk, Alcuin, and other scholars to his court – encouraging the development of a standard script.
    He set up money standards to encourage commerce, tried to build a Rhine-Danube canal, and urged better farming methods. He especially worked to spread education and Christianity in every class of people.
    He relied on Counts, Margraves and Missi Domini to help him.
    Margraves – Guard the frontier districts of the empire. Margraves retained, within their own jurisdictions, the authority of dukes in the feudal arm of the empire.
    Missi Domini – Messengers of the King.”

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