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First International Alternative Workshop on Aggressive Computing and Security


Thinking security can not be done without adopting a preferential mode of
thought of the attacker. A system cannot be defended if we do not know how to attack it. If the theory is still an interesting approach to formalize things, the operational approach must be the ultimate goal: to talk about security is meaningless if we do not actually do security. In recent years the major security conferences in the subjects preferred to select papers according to fashion topics, conforming to something like orthodoxy and organize selection as beauty contests. As a result excellent yet unorthodox scientific papers areoften rejected and sink into oblivion.

The first international Alternative Workshop in Aggressive Computing and
Security (iAWACS’09) aims to focus on this vision and to allow researchers and specialists to present relevant research works, with interesting results and operational (theoretical and/or applied) in the field of security. The different points of view, away from unconventional fashion and orthodoxy are particularly welcome. The aim is also to promote discussion of ideas around these topics.

Looks interesting! The submission deadline for the First International Alternative Workshop on Aggressive Computing and Security [link to no longer works] is July 15th.