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Cleared Traveler Data Lost

Finger on print reader

Verified Identity Pass, Inc., [link to no longer works] who run the Clear service have lost a laptop containing information of 33,000 customers. According to KPIX in “Laptop Discovery May End SFO Security Scare” the “alleged theft of the unencrypted laptop” lost information including

names, addresses, birth dates and some applicants’ driver’s license numbers and passport information, but does not include applicants’ credit card information or Social Security numbers, according to the company.

We are also told:

The information is secured by two levels of password protection, the company reported.

Two levels of passwords. Wow. I guess you don’t need to encrypt if you have two levels of passwords.

The TSA suspended enrollment of new customers, but existing customers can still use the service. So if you stole the data and can use it, you’re Clear.

Update: They found the device. Chron article here [link to no longer works]. “It was not in an obvious location,” said a spokesperson.