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Nuke plant evacuated as misheard new employee remark is reported to authorities as credible threat

Schneier is probably busy at RSA, so I’ll handle this one, which comes courtesy of the Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter [link to no longer works] of April 9:

About 450 employees of Point Beach Nuclear Plant were evacuated Tuesday morning after a convenience store clerk reported a man had asked for directions to Nuclear Road, where the plant is located, and then said he “came to blow up the place,” according to a press release from Capt. Robert Kappelman of the Two Rivers Police Department.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department and the Two Rivers Police Department conducted a joint investigation.
Information from the surveillance video at the gas station led authorities to a vehicle parked at the nuclear plant. A 23-year-old man from Hull, Mass., working as a contractor at the plant, had rented the car in Milwaukee.
In an interview with the FBI, the man admitted the conversation took place but said he had stated he “hoped he wouldn’t blow up the place” as it was his first day working at the facility. He said he told the clerk “they don’t allow (him) to push any buttons, anyway.”
His vehicle was searched and no threats were found. No charges are being pursued, according to TR [Two Rivers, Wisconsin] police.

Not as good as the “going to LA to shoot a pilot” non-story, but not bad. Notice the Massachusetts connection. Good thing the guy wasn’t working at Pilgrim [link to no longer works], ’cause I am sure there were potentially lethal LEDs in that car :^).