Disclosures where they're not required by law
It’s the new normal in the English speaking world. See:
- “Hard drive stolen from Concordia” hospital in Winnipeg. [link to http://www.cjob.com/news/index.aspx?src=loc&rem=67336 no longer works]
- The Bank of Scotland lost a DVD or DC in the mail, “Bank loses details on 62,000 customers in post” [link to http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/news/display.var.1443290.0.0.php no longer works].
- “Personal banking info goes missing” regarding 120,000 Coastal Community Credit Union in Nanaimo, British Columbia. [link to http://www.nanaimobulletin.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=51&cat=23&id=1005555&more=0 no longer works]
- “Personal information of Georgia Tech students, alums exposed,” but included no SSNs or CC#s. I don’t think Georgia law is so broad. [link to http://www.accessnorthga.com/news/hall/newfullstory.asp?ID=114993 no longer works]
All via the Dataloss list.