Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Emerging at the Intersection of Art and Commerce


I never really thought much of Hamilton, either.

I’m glad this wasn’t done on one of the New Ten Dollar bills. If it was, the Constellation EURion might have prevented me from scanning it for your amusement. (Today, that “feature” is mostly in copiers, but expect it to spread.)

In other looking at money news, Steven Murdoch notes that the UK has introduced a new 20 pound note [link to no longer works]. It’s entertaining advice of what to do if you think you have a counterfeit note ends “If the note is genuine, you will be reimbursed.” I can’t think of a better way to get people to want to not notice counterfeits.


One comment on "Emerging at the Intersection of Art and Commerce"

  • Iang says:

    Historically, it has worked better the other way around. If you want people to notice the forgeries, pay them at face value. It’s worth it; those issues in Scottish banking history that practiced this (all, IIRC) had no forgeries to speak of.
    (There was another incentive; forgerers were executed in the public square…)

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