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DST is Coming, Run For Your Lives!

Marvin The Martian

In a week, the US and Canada are changing when they go to Daylight Savings Time. It must also be a slow news time, as well, because I’ve read several articles like this, “Daylight-Saving Time Change: Bigger than Y2K?” [link to,1895,2098954,00.asp no longer works]

When Y2K came around, a number of us quoted Marvin the Martian (now of the Boston Police Department) on this: “Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!” So I think that’s going to be a big “yes” on the question. Any positive number is bigger than zero, so no one’s going to be embarrassed for over-reporting.

Eweek also said, “Our story tries not to turn this into a Chicken Little exercise, but it does lay out the reasons why this could be huge.” Oh, please. Any time someone says they’re not trying to be Chicken Little but — you know they’re being Chicken Little, and so do they.

Might there be problems? Ayup. I have to fly that Sunday, and I’m even less pleased than I would be otherwise. There will be screwups. But really, it’s an hour. There will be people late to things, and we’ll cope.

I think this latest change is monumental stupidity, and I’m someone who thinks we should just go to year-round DST. Before, there was one week difference between Europe and North America in DST. Now there’s — eesh. I don’t know, yet. Regularizing them would have made much more sense, despite my belief that more DST is better. Heck, we ought to stop saving it and invest for the increased return.

3 comments on "DST is Coming, Run For Your Lives!"

  • beri says:

    Dear Mordaxus: You should regard the DST issue as an opportunity for computer professionals to get more work. So instead of seeing it as a problem, you could offer suggestions on how to market one’s skills to an increasingly frightened and susceptible public.
    thank you for your support for computer professionals.
    sincerely, the Y2K Committee

  • Dave says:

    The worst time I ever had at an airport was a spring day when DST had kicked in the night before. I arrived two hours early (or “on time” for me) and the line hardly moved at all while I waited to check in. Had I not been bumped up when my flight time approached I would have missed my plane, like the hoards who showed up late because they didn’t move their clocks up an hour.
    I shudder to think what it’s going to be like this year.

  • sama says:

    I still fail to understand why we need to change the clocks at all. And the people who want to to year-round DST are truly stupid. Why don’t we just get up an hour earlier and just leave the damn clocks alone???

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