Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


New (Oracular) Blogs

delphis-birthday.jpgWhile we’re celebrating, let me tip the hat to three new bloggers:

Mary Ann Davidson has a blog, confusingly headlined “Sandra Vaz Blog (en Portuguese!)” [link to no longer works] I suspect it’s a template issue, but then again, I’ve seen Mary Ann with–oh, I shouldn’t tell you what she put on her name badge at the Exec Women’s Forum event at RSA. It was awfully funny, though. Maybe she has a picture to share? Or maybe she’s going to be posting in Portuguese.

My buddy and co-worker Cem Paya has a blog, entitled “Random Oracle.” [link to no longer works] He’s got some great bits on cookies and privacy up right now.

And finally, Marty Roesch of Sourcefire has started blogging at “Security Sauce.” He’s got a great post on airport security throughtput, “Airport Security: Meatspace Intrusion Detection.” I can’t figure out a way to call Marty oracular. Perhaps it’s when Snort issues messages saying “If you let this packet through, a great buffer shall be destroyed?”

I was going to find a birthday cake with three candles, but how can I pass on such a cute 7 year old…especially if she’s named Delphi?

One comment on "New (Oracular) Blogs"

  • tk says:

    Mary Ann Davidson has a blog with no feed? Come on people. I hate playing “find the rss.xml” You pray that one does not have to subscribe to ALL of Oracle’s blog feed just to get to her postings. Oh well.

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