Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Metricon 1.0

Yesterday at Metricon, Gunnar Peterson felt a need to mock me over not blogging from the conference.

I really enjoyed Metricon. There was a lot of good discussion, and because Dan Geer took extensive notes, I didn’t have to. I was able to pay attention and consider the talks [link to no longer works] as I heard them.

Gunnar, however, both considered and blogged, in posts like “Combining risk and effectiveness assessment to make risk management decisions,” “MetriCon software security metrics track” and “Risk Management culture.”

One comment on "Metricon 1.0"

  • Gunnar says:

    oh sir, i would never mock ecjc. i thought ecjc, i realize that as with dr dre, those who mock ecjc, in effect mock themselves; simply thought that ecjc was the new scoble that’s all.

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