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Gartner to Google: Learn to read minds

Concerning a school district which misconfigured [link to no longer works] its web server and wound up posting student social security numbers for all — including Google’s spiders — to see, Gartner’s Avivah Litan weighs in:

They say the Internet is free and open, and you can’t stop them,” Litan said. “But they ought to scrutinize some of the content and, at least, send a warning to Web sites that they’re exposing this information.

Google doesn’t honor robots.txt? Wow. Gartner really does know something everyone else doesn’t.

2 comments on "Gartner to Google: Learn to read minds"

  • Iang says:

    The desire to blame something, anything, please, let me…
    I suppose the pressure from journos for a 25 word quote does make the easy blame a slamdunk.

  • Mike Rothman says:

    That makes a big assumption that Gartner knows what robots.txt is. These folks stay at a high level, so how things actually work can get lost in translation.

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