Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Defcon Coverage?

Defcon is better experienced than read about. How could I argue with a slogan like “What happens in Vegas gets posted to thousands of blogs? stays in Vegas?” But when those involved blog about it, I’ll admit to a little involvement:

I recruited Brian Krebs onto team Shmoo. Because everyone knows I’m a Shmoo wannabe. But wait for next year, when we’ll launch our new, über-leet group.

David Cowan bought me (and some other folks) a very fine dinner.

I did some tour guiding for some very nice folks–I enjoyed talking with you, and hope you enjoyed it. I have pictures if you don’t pony up the dough respect your privacy, and won’t name names.

Actually, I will name some names. First, Nico Sell did a bang-up job of staying on top of the chaos, and still bringing people together at a variety of functions and parties. One of the things she helped bring together was my panel. I’d like to thank Joseph Ansanelli, Richard Baich, and Paul Proctor, for joining me for a discussion of “The Future of Personal Information.” I thought that things went really well. We had good audience participation, we covered the things we wanted to cover, and we finished just about on time.

And that is what I have to say about Defcon until next year.

[Update: Fixed link to David Cowan, which I swear was valid when I posted it. Thanks, DM!]