Small Bits: Privacy for Infringers, IEEE Cipher, Oracle, Footnotes, and a Mug
- Michael Geist continues to take the Privacy Commissioner’s office to task for protecting the privacy of infringers:
Moreover, the Commissioner canvassed other banks and found that at least two others did allow their customers to opt-out of such marketing. Now if only the Commissioner would reveal which banks respected their customers’ privacy and which decided to fight its customer in order to continue to market to them against their wishes.
- The Volubis Infosec News blog [link to no longer works] mentions that “The latest Cipher newsletter” (July) was just brought online.
- At SecurityFocus, Rob Lemos has an article, “Oracle taken to task for time to fix vulnerabilities.” I think its clear that the threat of non-coordinated release of information is valuable, as it has made these extended periods between report and release rare.
- Josh Gruber presents a view of footnotes on the web at “About the Footnotes.” Stefan Geens has another, which I think is gorgeous, and I look forward to re-designing my site so I can use his marginalia design. (That requires, I think, getting rid of all that sidebar stuff, which should be somewhere. I’d like that somewhere to be pop-open lists, but that seems to require Javascript. I prefer to design without Javascript, so I’m stuck until I have time to figure it out.)
- Start the day off wrong: Drink from the Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug [link to no longer works].