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Alberta Health and Wellness, 670,000 Health Care Numbers, Tape

Frank Work, Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, released a report on his investigation into missing Health and Wellness computer data storage tape.
Work stated the incident is a low risk for potential fraud.

As soon as the incident was reported, Alberta Health and Wellness changed practices and eliminated the related tape transfer business process.

The missing computer tape of December 2004 premium billing and registration information contains names, health care numbers, premium rates, family status and some payroll/employee numbers of over 670,000 Albertans.

There is no personal medical diagnostic or treatment information, or any financial information on the tape.

The tape went missing while being shipped between IBM and another company contracted by government to convert the data to microfiche for storage. Alberta Health and Wellness contracts with IBM to handle its data.

(From the Peace River Record Gazette, via the Volubis Infosec blog. [] )