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On Real ID, and Hearings

Privacy Law has a post, “Senate to Hold Security Breach and ID Theft Hearings” about a June 16 2005, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation hearing on identity theft.

The DailyBulletin editorializes against the Real ID act, “REAL ID raises real danger of identity thefts”:” [link to,1413,203~23127~2917962,00.html no longer works]

To feel comfortable with the federal REAL ID Act, one would have to believe that tens of thousands of DMV employees and federal workers nationwide are beyond corruption and above the lure of easy money. We just aren’t that optimistic.

DMV and federal leaks are just one of several security concerns raised in recent weeks about the federal identification system approved by Congress and President Bush last month. The ID system seems impossible to police effectively and appears to leave Americans much more vulnerable to identity theft, rather than less.