Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Small Bits: Research, Web Security, Saturn's Moon

Uncle Sam is trying to restrict basic research. This approach comes from such a foreign orientation I’m not even going to comment.

Jerimiah Grossman has an article on easy things to do to protect your locally developed application. I still think you should look at your code, but that’s still unfortunately expensive and difficult.

Finally, APOD asks “What has happened to Saturn’s moon Iapetus?” Well, clearly, that’s no moon, it’s a battle station.

2 comments on "Small Bits: Research, Web Security, Saturn's Moon"

  • John Kelsey says:

    We’re continuing our campaign to push cutting-edge research outside the US, and to discourage the smartest fraction of a percent of humanity from coming here, studying, sticking around, starting a company, inventing things, and making us all richer. I think this kind of thing has the potential to have a much bigger long-term impact than all the rest of the war-on-terror measures combined.

  • adam says:

    I agree wholeheartedly, and the following quote has topped my home page for over 3 years now:
    “The freedom which we enjoy in our democratic government extends also to our ordinary life. We throw open our city to the world, and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning or observing although the eyes of an enemy may occasionally profit by our liberality. We live exactly as we please and yet are just as ready to encounter every legitimate danger. If with habits not of labor but of ease, and courage not of art but of nature, we are still willing to encounter anger, we have the double advantage of not suffering hardships before we need to, and of facing them in the hour of need as fearlessly as those who are never free from them. The price of courage will surely be awarded most justly to those who best know the difference between hardship and pleasure and yet are never tempted to shrink from danger. And it is only democratic people who, fearless of consequences, confer their benefits not from calculations of expediency but in the confidence of liberality. Judging happiness to be the fruit of freedom and freedom of valor never decline the dangers of war.”
    From “The Funeral Oration” by Pericles of Athens, 431 B.C.

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